And everyone else that is. Hubby was the first to come home. I would like to say that it was nice to spend some time together but from the moment he stepped back into the same country as me he proceeded to argue with me incessently and usually needlessly - like PICK YOUR BATTLES!!!! I don't think he's ever grasped that concept. Either way, we did spend a bit of time together and that was nice. We did get to celebrate the fact that I passed the NCLEX - WOOO FRIGGIN HOOOOO!!!!
Just last week little tyke came home. I am so unbelievably happy to see her again. But OMG ppl, she has lost an unbelievable amount of weight while she was there. So much so that I'm taking her to the physician on Friday. It's from serveral different things (I think...) - from the moment she got to Pakistan she was really sick with a respiratory bug that I think she caught on the plane or in the airport(s) (big surprise considering what kids touch!) and then with the water and food being different over there she developed diarrhea and didn't want to eat or would hardly eat anything and then when she looks like she's getting over the resp bug and is on the mend she all over the place and wouldn't be kept down - always wanting to play with the millions of kids that were visiting - all the cousins that were visiting and such. Then just as she's about to come back here she's struck again with some resp and intestinal thing and it's coming out both ends. They are able to get her to stop vomitting so she's not dehydrated and she's still willing to drink and such so they weren't too worried.
So to have her home and in my safe and capable hands again is more than I can say! I've nursed her back to even keel almost. She's no longer having diarrhea. She's eating properly and indicating proper hunger responses. She has a nasty cough but I don't think pneumonia - I do think that perhaps she may have caught influenza while she was there. Actual influenza, not the thing that ppl just say - Oh I have the flu, when in fact they have a crappy cold or an older kid has caught RSV. Who knows. Either way, it's taken a nasty hit to my child in terms of weight as well. I was told that she had caught head lice (big surprise! - yuck!) and so her first thing was to have a bath and so I stripped her and I was SHOCKED at how much weight and muscle and adipose my little tyke had lost. She just doesn't look healthy. She looks very unwell. So we'll be having a well/un-well/check-up with our doctor on Friday and we'll see just how much weight she's lost and I'll be asking for some blood work to see if there's something more sinister at play at work as well.
But since she's coming home she hasn't really left my side other than to go to school. She has been suffering from some wicked jet lag poor girl. Hopefully all this will blow over soon. Til then I'm here.
It's been a long road! I was discriminated when I took my BSN the 1st time so I took a yr off school to think about what to do. During that time, I met & married hubby & he convinced me to go back to school to at least complete my practical nrsg. It was a long journey of distance Ed - completing my LPN to BSN degree in six yrs as I faced so many health challenges. But I made it through!!! Now I'm on the road to being the RN I've always dreamed of being - look at me shine
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
How I went about passing the NCLEX-RN boards
I know that a lot of people wonder how other students go about studying for the boards. These things create unimaginable amounts of stress, so I understand why one would seek out information from ones who have done what they can to pass.
So I was fortunate enough that my uni bought this prep program that went along with our prep book - Elsevier adaptive quizzing program and HESI/Saunders questions - on general we had ~120 questions per week. I think that was helpful to get me ready for information I'm not familiar with. From this I learned where my areas of weakness were. And then most way through my semester the school paid for us to take the Kaplan weekend seminar. I found that quite helpful in how to approach a question - that it's always about assessment first and if there's the option of calling a Dr or assessment, choose the assessment - it almost always gives you more information that's needed.
Then once I graduated hubby and I figured that learning info then doing questions may work and so we bought NCSBN program and I was doing that for a bit - but it was dry and very boring. I was having a lot of difficulty getting through it and feeling like I was actually working positively so I took it upon myself to buy UWorld. Then I did my weak areas first and after going through the 75 questions, I remediated and I took my time with that - making sure that I understood why I got a question right as well as why I got things wrong - or why certain choices were right and why others were wrong. When I started that, I generally got through 150 questions but I would flag questions that I either got wrong or I felt were really important for me to remember & look at before the NCLEX.
I also had the Kaplan trainer tests that I reserved for when I was prepping for the exam. I did two more but when I was remediating, I found that I didn't like their information that was provided - UWorld absolutely beat Kaplan out in this area, hands down!!!
Overall, I feel like the Elsevier adaptive quizzing program and HESI/Saunders questions program as well as UWorld are what helped give me the best chance at being successful on the NCLEX. For those who come to it after me - remember prioritization and safety - that's primarily what my exam was about (at least what I can remember - stress and high anxiety will do that to you!). I wish you luck and every chance at success at beating the beast that is the NCLEX.
So I was fortunate enough that my uni bought this prep program that went along with our prep book - Elsevier adaptive quizzing program and HESI/Saunders questions - on general we had ~120 questions per week. I think that was helpful to get me ready for information I'm not familiar with. From this I learned where my areas of weakness were. And then most way through my semester the school paid for us to take the Kaplan weekend seminar. I found that quite helpful in how to approach a question - that it's always about assessment first and if there's the option of calling a Dr or assessment, choose the assessment - it almost always gives you more information that's needed.
Then once I graduated hubby and I figured that learning info then doing questions may work and so we bought NCSBN program and I was doing that for a bit - but it was dry and very boring. I was having a lot of difficulty getting through it and feeling like I was actually working positively so I took it upon myself to buy UWorld. Then I did my weak areas first and after going through the 75 questions, I remediated and I took my time with that - making sure that I understood why I got a question right as well as why I got things wrong - or why certain choices were right and why others were wrong. When I started that, I generally got through 150 questions but I would flag questions that I either got wrong or I felt were really important for me to remember & look at before the NCLEX.
I also had the Kaplan trainer tests that I reserved for when I was prepping for the exam. I did two more but when I was remediating, I found that I didn't like their information that was provided - UWorld absolutely beat Kaplan out in this area, hands down!!!
Overall, I feel like the Elsevier adaptive quizzing program and HESI/Saunders questions program as well as UWorld are what helped give me the best chance at being successful on the NCLEX. For those who come to it after me - remember prioritization and safety - that's primarily what my exam was about (at least what I can remember - stress and high anxiety will do that to you!). I wish you luck and every chance at success at beating the beast that is the NCLEX.
Monday, January 16, 2017
In the meantime
I was expecting to have to wait until monday to have my name show up on the board of nursing and show my registration number. It was awesome. Absolutely filled me with such pride.
Because it was finally official though, I could apply for license verification in the state that I intend to practice in - holy expensive though.... $150 later! Still the problem is the SSN so I need the visa ppl to hurry the hell up now and complete their shit so that I can get my license stuff in order. But that needed to get done so at least it's active and when I have the other stuff done I can easily provide the SSN and the completed fingerprint/background stuff and be on my merry little way.
So I'm trying not to worry about it overly so.
For now I am completing my shadowbox. I'm using my clinical nurse top with my student ID tag with my name on it to symbolize me while I was in school. Then the program for the pinning ceremony as well as my pin (for obvious reason). Below it I added the nurse's prayer - I think it turned out beautifully - except that I ran out of the letter 'e' and so I placed all th other letters and left spaces for the 'e' when I buy more (hopefully tomorrow or the next day). And finally the grad cap and gown as well as the grad commencement program. I decorated my cap and added a saying and a few decorations. That side turned out perfectly as well. There's an area above the clinical top that is open that I'm trying to find a quote or saying to put in the spot to even things out. Obviously it has to be nursing related. Will have to do some research - any ideas?
I'm also trying to get doctor and dentist visits done - I have a dentist visit tomorrow - two hours long because I know that I have fillings that need to get done and then again on Tuesday. Then I have appointments in the next two weeks with the immunologist and the immuno dermatologist (the one who diagnosed me with the hidradenitis suppurativa (AKA acne inversa) - those two are on the same day which is kind of funny and happened by chance! Then I have an appointment with the neuro opthamologist for testing on the friday and then I see him for the results on monday. Then up is little tyke's dentist appointment - I should have made her appointment extra long because she has a bunch of cavities that need fillings but didn't think of it at the time. The one that we're dealing with at this appointment is one that is so badly off that it has to be pulled. I'm not sure how she'll handle it but she was pretty good with getting her cavity done before so I'm hoping that this will go just fine as well. Then lastly I see the surgeon who operated on my bottom as it still hasn't fully healed up (we think that's actually related to the hidradenitis suppurativa condition which I can talk to her about when I see her. Then lastly I see a physician that's supposed to take a biopsy to see if I have this weird respiratory condition (knowing my luck it'll come back positive -lol). So it's set to make for a busy month what with little tyke coming back from Pakistan this week as well and wanting to spend as much time with her as possible. I'm going to miss her so so so much. Thank goodness for skype, text, whatsap (think facetime) and plane rides!
Now I just have to make time to keep things open to get everything done so that I can go to the US to my waiting job. I can't wait to start it, I couldn't have developed a better program for myself if I do say so myself!!!
Because it was finally official though, I could apply for license verification in the state that I intend to practice in - holy expensive though.... $150 later! Still the problem is the SSN so I need the visa ppl to hurry the hell up now and complete their shit so that I can get my license stuff in order. But that needed to get done so at least it's active and when I have the other stuff done I can easily provide the SSN and the completed fingerprint/background stuff and be on my merry little way.
So I'm trying not to worry about it overly so.
For now I am completing my shadowbox. I'm using my clinical nurse top with my student ID tag with my name on it to symbolize me while I was in school. Then the program for the pinning ceremony as well as my pin (for obvious reason). Below it I added the nurse's prayer - I think it turned out beautifully - except that I ran out of the letter 'e' and so I placed all th other letters and left spaces for the 'e' when I buy more (hopefully tomorrow or the next day). And finally the grad cap and gown as well as the grad commencement program. I decorated my cap and added a saying and a few decorations. That side turned out perfectly as well. There's an area above the clinical top that is open that I'm trying to find a quote or saying to put in the spot to even things out. Obviously it has to be nursing related. Will have to do some research - any ideas?
I'm also trying to get doctor and dentist visits done - I have a dentist visit tomorrow - two hours long because I know that I have fillings that need to get done and then again on Tuesday. Then I have appointments in the next two weeks with the immunologist and the immuno dermatologist (the one who diagnosed me with the hidradenitis suppurativa (AKA acne inversa) - those two are on the same day which is kind of funny and happened by chance! Then I have an appointment with the neuro opthamologist for testing on the friday and then I see him for the results on monday. Then up is little tyke's dentist appointment - I should have made her appointment extra long because she has a bunch of cavities that need fillings but didn't think of it at the time. The one that we're dealing with at this appointment is one that is so badly off that it has to be pulled. I'm not sure how she'll handle it but she was pretty good with getting her cavity done before so I'm hoping that this will go just fine as well. Then lastly I see the surgeon who operated on my bottom as it still hasn't fully healed up (we think that's actually related to the hidradenitis suppurativa condition which I can talk to her about when I see her. Then lastly I see a physician that's supposed to take a biopsy to see if I have this weird respiratory condition (knowing my luck it'll come back positive -lol). So it's set to make for a busy month what with little tyke coming back from Pakistan this week as well and wanting to spend as much time with her as possible. I'm going to miss her so so so much. Thank goodness for skype, text, whatsap (think facetime) and plane rides!
Now I just have to make time to keep things open to get everything done so that I can go to the US to my waiting job. I can't wait to start it, I couldn't have developed a better program for myself if I do say so myself!!!
Friday, January 13, 2017
Knowing my future
I was so impatient counting down the time to 3pm when my results would become available. We paid extra and was on the phone with my bestie while hubby was constantly checking the site to see if things were updated.
Finally we see....
OMG one ginormous hurdle is passed to getting me to my destination job that starts in 37 days!!!
Then I called my mom and told her the amazing news - because it is amazing news!
So now I need to get my license verified in the state I acually intend on getting it in. And I have to get my visa - but I have to get my papers from my hometown college sent to the visa ppl and I have to get my NCLEX results sent to the visa ppl as well.
I got my degree in the mail when I arrived home and I sent that to my work as well as my transcript that shows that I graduated (they required both). Then I sent them my CPR stuff because they demand that I have AHA not Red Cross. Stupid but whatever. Their other thing is all about my SSN but that's all wrapped in my visa and getting that all done.
I talked to my old nursing program dean who said that she would have the visa paperwork done today or by monday. Man she needs to get this done ASAP! I know that this all takes time and so it needs to be taken care of now.
Monday I'll call my work and talk to the main person to find out what else they need at this point, other than my SSN of course. But at least for now I get to bask in the glory of passing this vastly important exam and being able to juust carry on with my life. Though I must say that it feels a bit weird to not have to study for anything right now.
Finally we see....
OMG one ginormous hurdle is passed to getting me to my destination job that starts in 37 days!!!
Then I called my mom and told her the amazing news - because it is amazing news!
So now I need to get my license verified in the state I acually intend on getting it in. And I have to get my visa - but I have to get my papers from my hometown college sent to the visa ppl and I have to get my NCLEX results sent to the visa ppl as well.
I got my degree in the mail when I arrived home and I sent that to my work as well as my transcript that shows that I graduated (they required both). Then I sent them my CPR stuff because they demand that I have AHA not Red Cross. Stupid but whatever. Their other thing is all about my SSN but that's all wrapped in my visa and getting that all done.
I talked to my old nursing program dean who said that she would have the visa paperwork done today or by monday. Man she needs to get this done ASAP! I know that this all takes time and so it needs to be taken care of now.
Monday I'll call my work and talk to the main person to find out what else they need at this point, other than my SSN of course. But at least for now I get to bask in the glory of passing this vastly important exam and being able to juust carry on with my life. Though I must say that it feels a bit weird to not have to study for anything right now.
Waiting expectently
I took the dreaded NCLEX-RN - it was as ever scary and nerve wracking as I expected it to be. As I arrived at the building and was sitting in my car talking to my best friend on the phone and having a minor freak out, a lady was coming down the walkway who seriously looked every bit how I felt internally. Her hair was FRAZZLED!!! And the expression on her face told the story about how terrorizing the NCLEX is, whether it be the PN or the RN.
I had no idea whether I was going to get the 75 questions or the dreaded 265 and potential 6 hrs of testing. As such I opened a ton of these little candies that I like to suck on because I have dry mouth due to my meds and I knew that I wouldn't be able to have water in the exam. So I stuffed a bunch of them in my mouth before going in the room. Ha!
Because I've gone to that location previously, it made the process quicker - it's not like my vein pattern had changed since my NCLEX-PN exam from several years ago. Off I went - to my computer in the corner. Perfect for the ADHD-er in me! OMG If I had ppl on either side of me, it would have been so difficult to focus... it felt like it was meant to be for me to have this spot an be given the best opportunity at success from the get go.
Now.... with these exams, it's kinda how you start out, how the middle goes and how you end! To be honest I can't quite remember which questions (except one), which I knew I got wrong so I was really nervous for the next question. But thankfully I got the next one right and so I got a select all that apply (SATA), which is supposed to be the highest kind of question and gives you an idea of how you're doing. So on and on the test went. Then I approached 60 and I began watching the clock and so I turned it off (thank you Kaplan instructor for teaching me that!) by clicking on the clock icon and the clock disappears. Because I knew that I needed to pay more attention to answering well instead of answering quickly.
Then when I approached 70 I got really nervous and had to take a moment to calm down. I answered to the best of my ability of course and when I got to question 74 I said a little prayer when I submitted. Then when the blue screen showed me another question, I was devastated! I had to collect myself and hope and pray that perhaps the program shut off when you submitted question 75, not when you got to it. Boy did I say a giant prayer that this program shut off when I submitted this question. And it did!!!! According to hubby, 87% of the ppl who get 75 questions pass (where he got this stat from I have NO idea) - but I'm sure hoping that I'm one of that lovely majority. We paid to get results in 48 hours, so we should know shortly, but I'm so so so nervous to know.
Now to just wait the required time.... impatiently of course!
I had no idea whether I was going to get the 75 questions or the dreaded 265 and potential 6 hrs of testing. As such I opened a ton of these little candies that I like to suck on because I have dry mouth due to my meds and I knew that I wouldn't be able to have water in the exam. So I stuffed a bunch of them in my mouth before going in the room. Ha!
Because I've gone to that location previously, it made the process quicker - it's not like my vein pattern had changed since my NCLEX-PN exam from several years ago. Off I went - to my computer in the corner. Perfect for the ADHD-er in me! OMG If I had ppl on either side of me, it would have been so difficult to focus... it felt like it was meant to be for me to have this spot an be given the best opportunity at success from the get go.
Now.... with these exams, it's kinda how you start out, how the middle goes and how you end! To be honest I can't quite remember which questions (except one), which I knew I got wrong so I was really nervous for the next question. But thankfully I got the next one right and so I got a select all that apply (SATA), which is supposed to be the highest kind of question and gives you an idea of how you're doing. So on and on the test went. Then I approached 60 and I began watching the clock and so I turned it off (thank you Kaplan instructor for teaching me that!) by clicking on the clock icon and the clock disappears. Because I knew that I needed to pay more attention to answering well instead of answering quickly.
Then when I approached 70 I got really nervous and had to take a moment to calm down. I answered to the best of my ability of course and when I got to question 74 I said a little prayer when I submitted. Then when the blue screen showed me another question, I was devastated! I had to collect myself and hope and pray that perhaps the program shut off when you submitted question 75, not when you got to it. Boy did I say a giant prayer that this program shut off when I submitted this question. And it did!!!! According to hubby, 87% of the ppl who get 75 questions pass (where he got this stat from I have NO idea) - but I'm sure hoping that I'm one of that lovely majority. We paid to get results in 48 hours, so we should know shortly, but I'm so so so nervous to know.
Now to just wait the required time.... impatiently of course!
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
On the doorstep of the NCLEX
Well I'm right at the brink of taking this exam. I can't say I'm ready. I'm nervous as hell. I wish I had more time but time is not what I have in abundance!
It seems like my US hospital is anxiously awaiting me and have a sixth sense or something because they called today and asked if I have taken my exam. I told them that I have it scheduled in a couple of days. They were excited about that. Problem with that is that now they know and so they will be anticipating an answer. So what if I don't pass?! They're going to rescind their offer and I'm going to lose out on an amazing once in a lifetime chance!
So can you see the stress?!!!!!! AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
Hubby is on a plane somewhere over an ocean..... then he has a layover for a bunch of hours. Says he's going to buy me a bunch of dates - my request. They're cheaper over there. Plus they're yummy and I want him to buy lots and lots!!!! I asked for vanilla but according to him they're only $2 cheaper so it doesn't make much sense to buy them there and transport them back. Meh, whatevs.... I know he's bringing me back jewelry. Pretty stuff too. He sent me a couple of pictures while he was there. I'm really looking forward to a couple of the pieces. A couple of the other ones I figure that I may just have to see them first before I decide. Pictures may not do them justice.
Little tyke is having a blast but is missing me BIG TIME - she called me EVERY DAY for the first three weeks and then once her dad got there she's been more relaxed and so only when we talk does she come on the phone. But she's texting me as well which is neat because she's gotten so much better at reading and writing that it's even an option this year, whereas last year that wasn't.
I suppose I should head to bed and get up early - I have to go get my fingerprints done so that I'm ready if my NCLEX is passed I can get my license endorsed in the state I need it in. Plus I want to do a bit of shopping and I still need to do more studying. I don't think I would ever feel ready for this damn exam. I wonder if anyone ever does?
It seems like my US hospital is anxiously awaiting me and have a sixth sense or something because they called today and asked if I have taken my exam. I told them that I have it scheduled in a couple of days. They were excited about that. Problem with that is that now they know and so they will be anticipating an answer. So what if I don't pass?! They're going to rescind their offer and I'm going to lose out on an amazing once in a lifetime chance!
So can you see the stress?!!!!!! AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
Hubby is on a plane somewhere over an ocean..... then he has a layover for a bunch of hours. Says he's going to buy me a bunch of dates - my request. They're cheaper over there. Plus they're yummy and I want him to buy lots and lots!!!! I asked for vanilla but according to him they're only $2 cheaper so it doesn't make much sense to buy them there and transport them back. Meh, whatevs.... I know he's bringing me back jewelry. Pretty stuff too. He sent me a couple of pictures while he was there. I'm really looking forward to a couple of the pieces. A couple of the other ones I figure that I may just have to see them first before I decide. Pictures may not do them justice.
Little tyke is having a blast but is missing me BIG TIME - she called me EVERY DAY for the first three weeks and then once her dad got there she's been more relaxed and so only when we talk does she come on the phone. But she's texting me as well which is neat because she's gotten so much better at reading and writing that it's even an option this year, whereas last year that wasn't.
I suppose I should head to bed and get up early - I have to go get my fingerprints done so that I'm ready if my NCLEX is passed I can get my license endorsed in the state I need it in. Plus I want to do a bit of shopping and I still need to do more studying. I don't think I would ever feel ready for this damn exam. I wonder if anyone ever does?
Sunday, January 8, 2017
What fruit a new year bears
Hubby went away to Pakistan. What an adventure that was. He had trouble leaving in the first place. First when he left it was a breeze. It took about 10 minutes and he got his boarding passes and away he went. And I gave my kisses goodbye and went home.
The minute I drove into the driveway (seriously), his brother called and asked about helping bring them to the airport. Goodness that made me peeved because I had just come from getting a bag from their place that my husband was going to transport on their behalf and I could have taken other bags and just waited for them to arrive there and spent more time with my husband at the airport. Now I have to spend time and gas going back and forth to the damn airport. UGH.... not what I wanted to be doing lets just be saying that! But they're family and so I said that I was coming over to help out.
Well when I went over to their house, they weren't even ready!!!! UGHGHGHGHGHGHG OMG I was so frrustrated. SO I had to sit around their house waiting for them to get ready.... trying to be patient - challenging for sure! In the end I helped bring them there and drop them and their stuff off at the airport then headed back home....
And AGAIN the moment I drove in the driveway hubby was calling me to tell me that his flight got cancelled and I needed to come pick him up!!!! WTH, I just got back from there!!! Then I had to figure out how I could get this to work out. So I told hubby to hold on the line while I tried to three way with one of his brothers and see if they were still at the airport. Thankfully the one bro was and indicated that he could pick up his brother and bring him back and drop him at the house. He ended up at the house real late and I ended up having to take him the next morning at like 3am - goodness it was so early.
Well when I hear from him again he's on the phone over the great big ocean. Weird because I expected to hear from him while he was having a layover in the US. It turns out that when he got to the airport and checked in, they didn't give him the boarding pass through his connecting flight in the US and so when he got there he needed that and when he got to the gate there wasn't a person there that could give him a boarding pass - so he had to ask others stewardesses from other airlines to try to help him and he finally was able to find one who would try at least and brought him to the TSA area to speak with them about how his airline didn't have anyone at their gate like they were supposed to in order to give him a boarding pass. So thankfully the TSA person got a hold of his airline and made them give him a boarding pass like should have been done in the first place. Because of all this BS he almost missed his flight - his layover was almost THREE hours long!!! This sort of BS is exactly why we always make our layovers that long or longer! I'm just thankful that he was able to get on the plane in the end!
Well lo and behold, while he was there, he finds out that the previous night the flight could have occured because his flight got cancelled because the belief was that ppl wouldn't have enough time to make their connecting flights.... well in the end, the connecting flight ended up being delayed anyways and he could have made his flight and been on his merry little way the day before!
But he landed safely only to be told that they lost his luggage. Funny thing was was that I had told him that he should put a change of clothing in his carry on just in case his luggage gets lost and he told me that "it'll be fine".... well lo and behold, that is EXACTLY what happened!!!! Serves him right! hahahaha So much so that he had to wait two days to get his clothes. hahahaha stupid guy! Maybe he'll learn his lesson from this (not likely tho!)
Now, my husband is the eldest of the four boys. When his brother (the groom) arrived two days later, it was hubby's responsibility to pick him up. Well his stupid ass brother lost his passport as well as $1400!!!!!!! Now for those of you who are thinking holy shit about the money.... think holy shit about the passport more.... and the fact that this idiot didn't bring his citizenship card with him to prove he had citizenship for that which he has a passport in. So of course hubby calls me telling me that he now has to bring his brother to the capitol to the embassy to help his brother and see what needs to be done. Of course hubby wakes me up at the ass crack hour of morning after he arrived in the capitol and talked to them and required me to take his brothers citizenship card to one of the passport places and gave them the card, the reference number that the embassy had given hubby to give to me to give to these passport ppl as well as my ID to show that I'm the one who brought it. Maybe this is why I needed to be kept behind? I've always believed that God has a plan!
What I also found out when I went to get my BILs citizenship card, was that NO ONE who went over to Pakistan had taken their citizenship card! Not even my husband! And I had even asked him about this before he had left the house! I couldn't believe that all these ppl were that stupid to leave this country and not take the one card that actually proves that you're a citizen of that country - it's like going into that country and not taking a passport... they wouldn't have done that, so I don't understand why they left this card behind. It's so beyond stupid IMO! Its something I will yell at him about when he gets back.
Just hopefully I will pass this damn NCLEX exam and he won't have anything to yell at me about! hahahaha
The minute I drove into the driveway (seriously), his brother called and asked about helping bring them to the airport. Goodness that made me peeved because I had just come from getting a bag from their place that my husband was going to transport on their behalf and I could have taken other bags and just waited for them to arrive there and spent more time with my husband at the airport. Now I have to spend time and gas going back and forth to the damn airport. UGH.... not what I wanted to be doing lets just be saying that! But they're family and so I said that I was coming over to help out.
Well when I went over to their house, they weren't even ready!!!! UGHGHGHGHGHGHG OMG I was so frrustrated. SO I had to sit around their house waiting for them to get ready.... trying to be patient - challenging for sure! In the end I helped bring them there and drop them and their stuff off at the airport then headed back home....
And AGAIN the moment I drove in the driveway hubby was calling me to tell me that his flight got cancelled and I needed to come pick him up!!!! WTH, I just got back from there!!! Then I had to figure out how I could get this to work out. So I told hubby to hold on the line while I tried to three way with one of his brothers and see if they were still at the airport. Thankfully the one bro was and indicated that he could pick up his brother and bring him back and drop him at the house. He ended up at the house real late and I ended up having to take him the next morning at like 3am - goodness it was so early.
Well when I hear from him again he's on the phone over the great big ocean. Weird because I expected to hear from him while he was having a layover in the US. It turns out that when he got to the airport and checked in, they didn't give him the boarding pass through his connecting flight in the US and so when he got there he needed that and when he got to the gate there wasn't a person there that could give him a boarding pass - so he had to ask others stewardesses from other airlines to try to help him and he finally was able to find one who would try at least and brought him to the TSA area to speak with them about how his airline didn't have anyone at their gate like they were supposed to in order to give him a boarding pass. So thankfully the TSA person got a hold of his airline and made them give him a boarding pass like should have been done in the first place. Because of all this BS he almost missed his flight - his layover was almost THREE hours long!!! This sort of BS is exactly why we always make our layovers that long or longer! I'm just thankful that he was able to get on the plane in the end!
Well lo and behold, while he was there, he finds out that the previous night the flight could have occured because his flight got cancelled because the belief was that ppl wouldn't have enough time to make their connecting flights.... well in the end, the connecting flight ended up being delayed anyways and he could have made his flight and been on his merry little way the day before!
But he landed safely only to be told that they lost his luggage. Funny thing was was that I had told him that he should put a change of clothing in his carry on just in case his luggage gets lost and he told me that "it'll be fine".... well lo and behold, that is EXACTLY what happened!!!! Serves him right! hahahaha So much so that he had to wait two days to get his clothes. hahahaha stupid guy! Maybe he'll learn his lesson from this (not likely tho!)
Now, my husband is the eldest of the four boys. When his brother (the groom) arrived two days later, it was hubby's responsibility to pick him up. Well his stupid ass brother lost his passport as well as $1400!!!!!!! Now for those of you who are thinking holy shit about the money.... think holy shit about the passport more.... and the fact that this idiot didn't bring his citizenship card with him to prove he had citizenship for that which he has a passport in. So of course hubby calls me telling me that he now has to bring his brother to the capitol to the embassy to help his brother and see what needs to be done. Of course hubby wakes me up at the ass crack hour of morning after he arrived in the capitol and talked to them and required me to take his brothers citizenship card to one of the passport places and gave them the card, the reference number that the embassy had given hubby to give to me to give to these passport ppl as well as my ID to show that I'm the one who brought it. Maybe this is why I needed to be kept behind? I've always believed that God has a plan!
What I also found out when I went to get my BILs citizenship card, was that NO ONE who went over to Pakistan had taken their citizenship card! Not even my husband! And I had even asked him about this before he had left the house! I couldn't believe that all these ppl were that stupid to leave this country and not take the one card that actually proves that you're a citizen of that country - it's like going into that country and not taking a passport... they wouldn't have done that, so I don't understand why they left this card behind. It's so beyond stupid IMO! Its something I will yell at him about when he gets back.
Just hopefully I will pass this damn NCLEX exam and he won't have anything to yell at me about! hahahaha
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