Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Every time I get excited

Let me preface this by stating that about 4 yrs ago my in-laws agreed to look for a house that was big enough to house us all comfortably in - which would include a proper bedroom for little tyke and another proper bedroom for hubby & I... I really bought into it - full blown! And then they pulled the rug out from under me because my BIL decided it didn't work for him and so it was pulled away from me and now that he needs it because he's due to get married in January and will need proper living compartments for him and his new bride - yep, selfishness wins.... but whatever. However, ALL and I mean ALL the houses that we have found that work for what we need, we've put offers in on and we have lost EACH and EVERY time.... that includes the time that we went $55,000 OVER asking and we STILL lost. UGH, I feel so defeated.

Then - we are starting to look into stuff for the wedding and subsequent trip to Pakistan and just this past weekend we started to look into when to leave and thus the flights and also stop-overs. Hubby asked me if I wanted to fly all the way or if I wanted a lay over at all. I told him I wouldn't be opposed to it, especially if that gave us a chance to check out a place we wouldn't normally be able to. So hubby checked things out and said - ok we'll have a stop over in Brussels (Belgium) - problem is that we would be flying into there on Christmas Day and considering it's predominantly a Catholic country, I figured that it would be closed (stores and restaurants) - which hubby went about trying to prove me wrong and found out that I was actually right - hahahaha!

So then we thought that we would have a stop over in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) and still fly in on Christmas Day - but this country is predominantly Islamic so majority of things should be open. And we then went to figure out what to do on the way back.... and it was to be Dublin (Ireland) - Yay, I've always wanted to go to Ireland and the stop over is ~8hrs so that would give us a bit of a chance!

BUT, and THIS is a MAJOR BUT - I spoke to my manager today (cuz I'm lookin at going back to work in about a week and a half) to indicate that I was at the point where I may just actually be coming back to work but that I needed to talk to her about this extended period of time that I would need off. Now.... (in her words) we have to go by what the unions stipulates and you must either work Christmas OR New Years  - so because I need New Years off, I HAVE to stay and work at LEAST Dec. 24 & 25 - (ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRG) and even more than that, we have to go according to seniority and that I have to wait at least several weeks to even know if it's feasible.

So AGAIN when I become excited about going to Pakistan - the stop over in Dubai (we were going to go for 2 days) and then continue on our merry way to Pakistan to meet up with family there - meet up with my MIL, one of my BILs and little tyke (she's going on ahead of us) and get to do a bit of sight seeing and lots of shopping (we're flying into the major textile city in Pakistan), then I get to see where my hubby grew up, where he went to school, etc... So much excitement!

BUT this two days before we can leave (and we probably wouldn't be leaving until the 26th so that's 3 days) - means that we can't have the stop over in Dubai now. And because my manager can't confirm that I can have Christmas, I can't make flight confirmations either so now everything is up in the air.

It seems like every time I get excited the rug gets pulled out from under me and I get sorely disappointed. Seems like this keeps happening. I wish this would stop!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry about the dissappointments Nurse Dee! It seems like it's a very stressful and difficult time for you right now. I pray the L-rd helps you to find a wonderful house within your budget and hopefully the trip stuff gets situated soon.

