Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Big life change

 Life is about to change in a big way....

Just worked my last shift at my hospital cuz we're out of here.

Hubby finished his training and got a job in the field that he's been pining for for the last five years. As such, we are moving where his new job is.... several provinces away. 

When we told my family, my mother says "you sure you want to move allllll the way there, it's going to be cold"..... such a silly sort of thing to say considering I was raised in northern ontario! It's not like I'm not used to cold - not that I like it either, but it's not like I plan on living in the outdoors!

So now we're packing up all our stuff and purging the stuff we don't need or want, etc... Hubby keeps asking me, "you sure you don't want to keep that". Ya I'm Marie Kondo'ing  - if I don't love the thing and use it all the time then it's "out of here" as the saying goes. I'm definitely in the process of getting rid of a lot of things. 

What surprised the hell out of me is that hubby said he wants to buy things new when we get to our destination.... it's going to cost a bloody fortune but he's sticking to what he says (at least for now!). Knowing him, once the price tag keeps going up and our bank account keeps going down he'll change his mind and say I need to hold off. I suppose I should make a list and prioritize things I need immediately vs things I can wait for. 

I'm absolutely excited to going. Little tyke is staying behind for now. I'm not happy about it but I've been advised that my say doesn't really count. Little tyke wants to stay behind for now and my MIL wants to keep her with her - we'll see how long that lasts! Little tyke is now 12 and has major attitude and tends to only listen to myself and my SIL - so I can see the fights that will ensue when I leave. I told my MIL that if she keeps her, I don't want to get a phone call from her saying that little tyke isn't listening or is being a brat, etc.... and if she does, then she's responsible for getting my daughter to me in the other province. I have a bet going that she'll bring her to me by august, december at the very latest. We'll see if I'm right.

So for now it's just hubby and I going.... which isn't too bad. I like that I get time with just us, no one else around. Right now there's NINE people in our household, it's hard to get alone time with your spouse outside of your bedroom. So it'll be wonderful to have that, we haven't had it since we were married for like 6 months. I suppose with it just being us there it'll make it easier to try to have a baby - hahaha

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

It's exquisite

 I took care of this really sweet patient over the weeend. 

Sepsis caused him to become delerious and he kept asking for something to drink. The first shift I had with him he was NPO (nothing by mouth) and so I couldn't give him what he desperately asked for. My second shift he was allowed to have clear fluids and he kept asking for water... he was also on D10 (sugar water basically) and so I told him that if he was thirsty that we would give him some apple juice.

When I advised him that I was going to give him apple juice the conversation went like this:

him: "I don't want apple juice, why do I need that, why can't I just have water"

me: "because the apple juice has sugar in it and you need that right now"

him: "but that's exactly it, apple juice has too much sugar in it, that's why I don't like it"

me: thinking in my head - yep then you will DEFINATELY like our apple juice cuz it does NOT taste sweet! - instead I said to him - "how bout we try it out, I'll even make it really cold and add some ice"

him: "well if you're going to add ice, I'll try it"

me - make his apple juice with a ton of ice and bring it to him, give him a sip

him: "my, I don't know what you did but this is exquisite!"

hahahaha - I laughed so hard let me tell you. He was just so earnest. He would take a sip and kept commenting about how wonderful and delicious and how it was hitting "just the right spot". Oh he was so cute. He just made my heart melt.

Same patient the next night I was getting him all tucked into bed to sleep, got his pillows all fluffed and set up all around his head, tucked his blankets in all around him and under his chin and he turns to me and says: "thank you for being you, I love you, thank you for taking such great care of me".... and subsequently closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Melt my heart!

These sort of moments make me realize even more why I love being a nurse.